Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fear and Letting Go
The title-track from the same-named 1969 John Denver album "Rhymes and Reasons"; with its simple yet elegant message is as poignant and relevant today as it is when it was written all of those years ago.
These lines from the first stanza seem to eloquently summarize the very state of being for many in the World today… “Fear that is within you now; It seems to never end; And the dreams that have escaped you; And the hope that you’ve forgotten.”
Fear is the antithesis of Love; for it is the nemesis of the soul’s freedom and that which binds the holder of that fear, turning them into both prison and prison guard of their own self-created prison to which they are bound. The holder of Fear holds the key to their own freedom; and that key is to just let go.
Let go of the egoic mind, of judgments, of perceived realities and personal vestments in such things. Live in the present moment of now. When you realize that you can live in such presence in the present moment of now; that is inserting the key in the lock. When you turn that key and actually live in the present moment of now, you release yourself from the egoic mind and personal vestments, accepting what is by letting go and living in true freedom.
Just as the song and its message are simple, do not confuse this with to mean that either is simplistic. This message, albeit very old, is so simple that it all-too-often appears to be very complex when in fact when the very nature of it is the exact opposite. We can see evidence of this all around you where people have all sorts of systems (usually in the form of some religion) where they try and find a path to freedom, to enlightenment, to connection and communion with the Source of All That Is. People often times look to these complex external systems with their Exoteric design versus Esoteric. While Exoteric is external, Esoteric is internal. (For further details on the two different positions, see the link at the bottom of this article)
Rhymes and Reasons (3:17)
So you speak to me of sadness
And the coming of the winter
Fear that is within you now
It seems to never end
And the dreams that have escaped you
And the hope that you’ve forgotten
You tell me that you need me now
You want to be my friend
And you wonder where we’re going
Where’s the rhyme and where’s the reason
And it’s you who cannot accept
It is here we must begin
To seek the wisdom of the children
And the graceful way of flowers in the wind
For the children and the flowers
Are my sisters and my brothers
Their laughter and their loveliness
Could clear a cloudy day
Like the music of the mountains
And the colours of the rainbow
They’re a promise of the future
And a blessing for today
Though the cities start to crumble
And the towers fall around us
The sun is slowly fading
And it’s colder than the sea
It is written from the desert
To the mountains they shall lead us
By the hand and by the heart
They will comfort you and me
In their innocence and trusting
They will teach us to be free
For the children and the flowers
Are my sisters and my brothers
Their laughter and their loveliness
Could clear a cloudy day
And the song that I am singing
Is a prayer to non believers
Come and stand beside us
We can find a better way
Words and music by John Denver
“Rhymes and Reasons” are © Cherry Lane Music Pubg Co Inc
For further information on the meanings of Exoteric versus Esoteric, please visit:
Copyright © 2010 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Naked with a knife
If you were naked with a knife and dropped off a deserted island that had every natural resource you needed for survival, would you survive?
Would you know how to even begin?
Chances are you start out foraging for the basic necessities of survival such as clothes, food, potable water and shelter. You may start with a very simple shelter, like inside a cave or other natural covering; maybe build a lean-to out of branches, leaves and grass, but what about the next level? What about creating containers for items, a sturdier shelter, a steady supply of various foods and water for all seasons (including food preservation and storage), or dealing with basic hygienic care, sanitation and the like? Would you know how to do that as well?
There’s also basic medical concerns to consider as well.
What are the natural anti-virals and antibiotics?
Would you know which vegetation, seeds, plants, flowers, etc are poisonous to eat, touch, mix with other things? Would you know how to prepare food, like meat from the hunt? (or even how to hunt, trap and prepare the meat?) Even if you do know all that you need to survive on the mundane level in this incarnated life; is that all there is to life? I don’t believe so. Life is much deeper than that. While incarnated life is part of life, it is not life itself. It is the blade of grass not knowing is it part of the lawn, which is attached to the Earth, which spins around the Sun, which revolves around the solar system, around the galaxy, and so on to larger and larger… but at its core, it is energy, the smallest and largest of All. This is the ultimate paradox because the largest is the smallest; and the smallest is the largest, one in the same.
Going back to societal survival in our incarnated life; contrary to popular belief, many things that we consider for “survival” are really luxuries, or at least allow us to “survive” in our current society. Getting along without the Internet, computer skills and a computer, a cell phone, email or other technologies is possible even in this society; but to do so is very limiting if you are trying to get (or stay) employed. Maybe people think they must be on every social network 24/7/365 and that everyone must know exactly what they are doing at all times (and they must know what everyone else is doing too!!); but this is simply not the case. We have so many things are we “want” (and some we only really “need”) to survive in our society; but at a much deeper level; they do not contribute to our basic human incarnation’s survival overall. In fact, many things these very same things detract from it rather than add to it. We lose quality for quantity. The things we need for basic human survival haven’t changed in thousands of years. They are still food, water, shelter, clothing, companionship, and so forth. We perceive things, such as we need this or that thing, or we create something like “time”; which even though it’s a creation of the egoic mind, there still never seems to be enough of it. We create both the perception of time as well as the lack of it. This is insanity. We create the perception of scarcity vs. one of abundance because like “time”, this too is a tool used by the egoic mind to control us and help facilitate its own survival.
We often unknowingly and unconsciously live in the past or one of many perceived-probable futures; but ignore the present moment of the Now. Our technology lets us tweet around the globe in an instant, yet these connections which lack depth and substance are like many things we create in this modern world that do not last, like buildings, cars, electronics, etc; because they’re superficial at best; detrimental to ourselves, society and All That Is, at worst.
As we create a more fractured life, seeking to connect with what we perceive as “lost” (peace, love, serenity, happiness), we’re like the dog chasing it’s own tail and wondering where it went at the same time while spinning faster and faster. This too is a self-created perception of insanity from the egoic mind. If the mind spins, we cannot think. There is an incessant rambling within us from the egoic mind of all-too-often repetitive thoughts which are nothing more than incessant lists, worries, things to do, and so forth. This is the tyrant of the egoic mind playing another one of its tricks to keep us from our own true nature. The egoic mind is insanity; and to be sane, is to be free from it. When we are free from it, we will “find” what we thought was “lost”. It is not lost. WE are lost. We are too busy looking externally verses internally. If you know the key to the lock is within you, why do you seek it elsewhere/? This is insanity. You are both your own prisoner and guard; and this too is insane. True mental health is to be free from the insanity, the incessant inner-chatter, the repetitive controlling nature of the egoic mind. To live otherwise, is sickness. This is true insanity. If you know you are sick, and you realize you can be healthy be taking a pill, would you not do it? To not cure yourself is insane. In this example, the pill is choice, the symptom is unconsciousness, and the sickness is insanity, and the cause is the egoic mind. The egoic mind is the virus of the being. It is poison to your essence and it limits your realization of your connectedness to All and One.
On the island, you may have all you need to survive in this realm, this incarnated life, and you play the game of Monopoly (aka incarnated life) very well; but do you realize that your egoic mind is playing it’s own game within that game of Monopoly; and that you’re a pawn in it?
Mankind is said to have evolved, but I often think that in so many ways it has devolved. As paraphrase Einstein; “Clearly, our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Many technological things have been created, yet many things of thousands of years ago, we cannot re-create. While technological knowledge and skills matter; they do so only within the context of the Monopoly game. These things of which we concern ourselves are the by-products, the distractions, the comforts and curses of incarnate existence; and while they are part of what we perceive as incarnate life, they are not life itself. We are life. Possessions are creations of the egoic mind; as all is energy.
We cannot truly obtain anything because we are already everything.
We cannot obtain what we are, only let go of the egoic mind so we may remember and realize our own natural state of being One. Let go of what you are and remember who you are. When we knowingly observe ourselves playing the game and become divested in identification with it through our egoic mind; we lose our false sense of identity and realize our natural state of being because the false self dies. This is true Death, Life, and rebirth. When the egoic mind dies, suffering dies because what is left is acceptance of what is, the present moment of Now. To be born again is to be free of the egoic mind and its insanity. Consciousness and choice is the crucifixion and death of the egoic mind; while freedom from this mind state is rebirth. This is what it means to be born again. This is true freedom. Free to be.
We are life; and life is about to transition. When our focus in the present moment of Now, when we let go and surrender to simply being; when we strip ourselves of “things”, and when we lose the egoic mind, what is left is our true self.
Unburden yourself of society, walk in it, but do not carry its weight within you.
Unburden yourself of the egoic mind, stripping away the clothing and masks which the egoic mind wears to cover your natural being. While you may wear clothing on your body to cover it, do not wear the coverings of the egoic mind on your soul. Your soul should be naked and free of such bondage; regardless of what your body is wearing or not.
Be blessed and be free.
Copyright © 2010 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved
Would you know how to even begin?
Chances are you start out foraging for the basic necessities of survival such as clothes, food, potable water and shelter. You may start with a very simple shelter, like inside a cave or other natural covering; maybe build a lean-to out of branches, leaves and grass, but what about the next level? What about creating containers for items, a sturdier shelter, a steady supply of various foods and water for all seasons (including food preservation and storage), or dealing with basic hygienic care, sanitation and the like? Would you know how to do that as well?
There’s also basic medical concerns to consider as well.
What are the natural anti-virals and antibiotics?
Would you know which vegetation, seeds, plants, flowers, etc are poisonous to eat, touch, mix with other things? Would you know how to prepare food, like meat from the hunt? (or even how to hunt, trap and prepare the meat?) Even if you do know all that you need to survive on the mundane level in this incarnated life; is that all there is to life? I don’t believe so. Life is much deeper than that. While incarnated life is part of life, it is not life itself. It is the blade of grass not knowing is it part of the lawn, which is attached to the Earth, which spins around the Sun, which revolves around the solar system, around the galaxy, and so on to larger and larger… but at its core, it is energy, the smallest and largest of All. This is the ultimate paradox because the largest is the smallest; and the smallest is the largest, one in the same.
Going back to societal survival in our incarnated life; contrary to popular belief, many things that we consider for “survival” are really luxuries, or at least allow us to “survive” in our current society. Getting along without the Internet, computer skills and a computer, a cell phone, email or other technologies is possible even in this society; but to do so is very limiting if you are trying to get (or stay) employed. Maybe people think they must be on every social network 24/7/365 and that everyone must know exactly what they are doing at all times (and they must know what everyone else is doing too!!); but this is simply not the case. We have so many things are we “want” (and some we only really “need”) to survive in our society; but at a much deeper level; they do not contribute to our basic human incarnation’s survival overall. In fact, many things these very same things detract from it rather than add to it. We lose quality for quantity. The things we need for basic human survival haven’t changed in thousands of years. They are still food, water, shelter, clothing, companionship, and so forth. We perceive things, such as we need this or that thing, or we create something like “time”; which even though it’s a creation of the egoic mind, there still never seems to be enough of it. We create both the perception of time as well as the lack of it. This is insanity. We create the perception of scarcity vs. one of abundance because like “time”, this too is a tool used by the egoic mind to control us and help facilitate its own survival.
We often unknowingly and unconsciously live in the past or one of many perceived-probable futures; but ignore the present moment of the Now. Our technology lets us tweet around the globe in an instant, yet these connections which lack depth and substance are like many things we create in this modern world that do not last, like buildings, cars, electronics, etc; because they’re superficial at best; detrimental to ourselves, society and All That Is, at worst.
As we create a more fractured life, seeking to connect with what we perceive as “lost” (peace, love, serenity, happiness), we’re like the dog chasing it’s own tail and wondering where it went at the same time while spinning faster and faster. This too is a self-created perception of insanity from the egoic mind. If the mind spins, we cannot think. There is an incessant rambling within us from the egoic mind of all-too-often repetitive thoughts which are nothing more than incessant lists, worries, things to do, and so forth. This is the tyrant of the egoic mind playing another one of its tricks to keep us from our own true nature. The egoic mind is insanity; and to be sane, is to be free from it. When we are free from it, we will “find” what we thought was “lost”. It is not lost. WE are lost. We are too busy looking externally verses internally. If you know the key to the lock is within you, why do you seek it elsewhere/? This is insanity. You are both your own prisoner and guard; and this too is insane. True mental health is to be free from the insanity, the incessant inner-chatter, the repetitive controlling nature of the egoic mind. To live otherwise, is sickness. This is true insanity. If you know you are sick, and you realize you can be healthy be taking a pill, would you not do it? To not cure yourself is insane. In this example, the pill is choice, the symptom is unconsciousness, and the sickness is insanity, and the cause is the egoic mind. The egoic mind is the virus of the being. It is poison to your essence and it limits your realization of your connectedness to All and One.
On the island, you may have all you need to survive in this realm, this incarnated life, and you play the game of Monopoly (aka incarnated life) very well; but do you realize that your egoic mind is playing it’s own game within that game of Monopoly; and that you’re a pawn in it?
Mankind is said to have evolved, but I often think that in so many ways it has devolved. As paraphrase Einstein; “Clearly, our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Many technological things have been created, yet many things of thousands of years ago, we cannot re-create. While technological knowledge and skills matter; they do so only within the context of the Monopoly game. These things of which we concern ourselves are the by-products, the distractions, the comforts and curses of incarnate existence; and while they are part of what we perceive as incarnate life, they are not life itself. We are life. Possessions are creations of the egoic mind; as all is energy.
We cannot truly obtain anything because we are already everything.
We cannot obtain what we are, only let go of the egoic mind so we may remember and realize our own natural state of being One. Let go of what you are and remember who you are. When we knowingly observe ourselves playing the game and become divested in identification with it through our egoic mind; we lose our false sense of identity and realize our natural state of being because the false self dies. This is true Death, Life, and rebirth. When the egoic mind dies, suffering dies because what is left is acceptance of what is, the present moment of Now. To be born again is to be free of the egoic mind and its insanity. Consciousness and choice is the crucifixion and death of the egoic mind; while freedom from this mind state is rebirth. This is what it means to be born again. This is true freedom. Free to be.
We are life; and life is about to transition. When our focus in the present moment of Now, when we let go and surrender to simply being; when we strip ourselves of “things”, and when we lose the egoic mind, what is left is our true self.
Unburden yourself of society, walk in it, but do not carry its weight within you.
Unburden yourself of the egoic mind, stripping away the clothing and masks which the egoic mind wears to cover your natural being. While you may wear clothing on your body to cover it, do not wear the coverings of the egoic mind on your soul. Your soul should be naked and free of such bondage; regardless of what your body is wearing or not.
Be blessed and be free.
Copyright © 2010 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved
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