Thursday, December 10, 2009

Truth Engagement

Let not Religion touch this wisdom with its dogmatic hands.
Instead let the spiritual message carry through the ranks without the taint of darkness.

Let me begin:
It is strange that though we serve the same master and carry with us the same message, that we should argue over which pillar of the same building is holding up the roof. We are all in essence the same stone with different symbolic ornamentation. The time has come to realize that our individuality is just as relevant and important as our realization that we are also all the same people.

Chapter 1: The Mean
1. Know that the war between the light and the darkness is always amongst us.
2. The Mean difference between deficiency and excess is the true good potential of creation.
3. Deficiency and Excess are the work of the darkness.
4. Know that there is no room for a relativistic view of good and evil.
5. Know that there is no room for a fundamentalist view of good and evil.
6. Know that both relativism and fundamentalism are deficiency and excess respectively.
7. Know that those who seek the mean seek the truth and remain dynamic in order that they may be able to understand more.
8. Know that those who work away from the mean allow the lie to blind their view and become stagnate in their knowledge of the world.
9. Dynamic Systems Grow
10. Static Systems Do Not

Chapter 2: The Lie
1. Know that the Lie is the weapon of the Darkness
2. Know that the basis of the lie is Ignorance (Lack of Perspective), excess or deficient Pride, Fear, Envy, and Anger.
3. Know that Ignorance is due to the static nature of the darkness and their stagnate view of the world.
4. Know that a person with excess or deficient pride will either be too stubborn to face their wrong or will be too embarrassed to admit that they are wrong.
5. These pride problems go hand in hand with the fear of being found out and ridiculed for being wrong.
6. The problem of Fear leads to many more problems than could be easily enumerated in any text. A few are anger, rage and a further blocking of ones perspective.
7. Know that a person with false pride will envy another, in their static nature being unable to achieve what they are envious of, they then become angry.
8. Know that Pride, Fear, Envy and Anger are all shields of the lie. All of these cloud the perspective of the person and do not allow them to see the truth. They all contribute to the static nature of their ignorance.
9. Know that rage is blind aggressive violent anger that a person resorts to when their emersion in the lie is great and they are presented with the truth too quickly.
10. Only by opening a path to the mind of the person in question can you hope to convey the truth to them.
11. Do not allow anger to consume either yourself or the person, if you do, then the truth cannot be communicated.
12. Do not tell them the truth; instead present them with questions that force them to realize it themselves.

Chapter 3: The Truth
1. Know that the truth is the weapon of the light.
2. Know that the basis of the truth is clear perception founded in information of all sides to reach the mean.
3. Know that that nature of the truth is dynamic always capable of realizing that it may be wrong.
4. The essence of the truth is founded in Bestowing, Knowing and Doing.
5. Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds.
6. Know that virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Reason and Energy are the four branches which stem from the mean.
7. Know that Temperance is founded in humility and balance of ones life.
8. Know that Fortitude is founded in ones ability to remain dynamic and in sync with the flow of truth. No one can stand in the way of a person who moves with the inertia of the universe.
9. Know that the truth is dependent upon the shields of the light, Wisdom and Reason (common sense). Without its protection it cannot remain dynamic and slowly becomes the lie.
10. Know that Wisdom and Reason clear away clouds of perception and allow one to see the truth.
11. Know that Energy is founded in the power of creation. In art, life and the world there is energy all around us, there for us to use. The flow of energy is constant in a body free from the lie. One who has allowed the static nature of the lie to consume them is dependent upon external sources of energy to survive.
12. Know that the fruit of the truth is the benefit of creatures and that of the lie is their harm.
13. Know that the power of the truth is to return creation to the mean and reestablish its kinetic potential for good.
14. Do not blindly listen to the words of any man but instead use the virtues to decide where the flow of truth will take you. Reason is the path to the truth and there are many paths to the lie.
15. Do not be swept up in the energy of the crowd but instead ask yourself if you believe in the message of its leaders.
16. Always be aware of the world around you. The dynamic flow of truth will guide you if you pay attention to where it is headed.
17. Do not change what others say to fit your needs, instead seek to change their minds by opening a channel to the truth.

Chapter 4: The Message
1. Know first and always that the message is omni present.
2. Know that those who seek to know the light will be bathed in its magnificence.
3. Know that this search for the light is a dynamic journey which is without end.
4. Know that all of reality is a cycle of energy within a cycle of energy, moving forever.
5. Know that those who fail to grow within this dynamic are moving counter to the flow.
6. Know that change is a part of this dynamic flow. That which is old will be replaced with that which is new in the eternal revolution.
7. Know that God speaks to his people and they all interpret it.
8. To each culture their own interpretations.
9. In conjunction with others; they will find the truth of the message.
10. Know that his people can speak to him.
11. Those who seek God shall find him listening.
12. Beware of any man who comes as the one and only true prophet of the light.
13. He shall seek to build churches in its name and establish religion.
14. Religions are stagnant repressive representations of the message.
15. They seek to hold a dynamic message in an unchanging stagnancy.
16. Those who seek to establish religions deny the dynamic nature of the universe.
17. Those who find comfort in the churches should seek comfort in the homes of their families and neighbors.

Chapter 5: Human Perspective
1. Know that all humans are inherently flawed.
2. As every human is inherently flawed; so shall their interpretations of the message be flawed.
3. As every humans perspective of reality is limited: no man shall be infallible.
4. Embrace your successes and failures: Learn and grow all your life.
5. Share with the world what you know and listen to what the world knows.
6. Seek out the barriers to truth and abolish them.
7. Seek out the message in yourself and in the world as you will.
8. Embrace your humanity and enjoy life.
9. Your life shall be your true spirituality, a life of growth and dynamic flow.
10. Speak with your brothers and sisters but do not force them to listen.
11. Listen to your brothers and sisters but do not force them to speak.
12. Exercise your perceptions; expand your reality.
13. Do not accept limitations to your growth.
14. Innovation, Synthesis, Change: all in fractal are your true natures.

-- Author Unknown

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