Thursday, January 14, 2010

Success is a Failed Failure

Our legacy isn’t how much money we had, or how nice of house we had, or any other materialistic item or goal. Certainly these things make life comfortable and we all want to attain them, but they should not be the reason for or the center of our life.

If we want to be truly successful in life, then we must look beyond just dollars and material things. Too many people treat success as a destination rather than how and why we journey in life.

Success is not attainable through one action or goal, but rather through a series of them that make up our life. It is how and why we live life using our time, experience, lessons, trials, errors, gains, losses, people, places, everything else we experience in life long the way.

Success is a failed failure. It is trying until you get it right, never giving up, but learning from your mistakes and applying that knowledge wisely to the present. It is a life of learning and growing, changing, ever persevering onward and attaining smaller goals along the way of your journey. These smaller goals are important stepping-stones along the way to larger goals. The funny thing is, once you reach a larger goal, you will look back at all the smaller goals you have achieved and see how they all fit together and allowed you to attain the “bigger” goal you are at. You will also learn to appreciate and cherish those smaller goal stepping-stones much more fondness than you think.

Nothing is guaranteed in life, except the only way to truly fail, is to not try at all.

Copyright © 2010 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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