Friday, January 15, 2010

5 Steps of Insanity

True power comes from and is within, not over. Anything else that is part of the Maya illusion can be easily stripped away because it is "power-over" vs "power-within", but that doesn't mean that it is often removed. All too often in this realm, we choose to be ego-driven and believe in our individuality vs as part of the collective whole.

When we operate from such a viewpoint, (which often times we do,) it causes suffering, and it often times (but not always and in every case) operates something like this:

First, we want to achieve a goal.

- This is a start. We want to accomplish something. Good.

Second, we think that we discovered that we're all different instead of all being the same.

- We are all different aspects of the same whole. Ego is the the belief in the illusion that we are all individuals, separate, not merely aspects of the whole collective of One. Yes, this is on a metaphysical level, but this World, this Realm, is all part of the Grand Illusion of the Maya, so while we may be "individuals" within the context of this Realm, this is our own projection and perception that we are choosing to believe in.

...and that we need some rules to organize our work.

- We need a common method of operating. We don't need "rules", per se, but we do need to all agree on some basic common things to achieve the task, which may be achieved in many different ways... So what is really needed isn't "rules", but rather a common agreement on the tools and the methodology to be used to complete the tasks at hand and achieve the common goal of the whole. The problem is that the human ego has it's own agenda and a perception of individuality, thus "I" want it done "my" way and it really becomes more about power-over vs power-within once again.

In a way, it's fundamentalism at it's core. regardless of what someone is being fundamental about, their fundamentalism transcends what they are supposedly being fundamental about. Instead, fundamentalism takes on a life of it's own for the sake of itself. Fundamentalism becomes a tool of the ego, the lower-self, vs. the higher-true-self of the soul, the being of light that we are.

Third, we make the rules really complicated to fit every corner case.

-- That's the ego, the human person, power-over vs power-within, etc. It's really just more of the same where humankind chooses to be its' own worst enemy instead of being it's own best friend; which is something that I will never understand. This really also ties into the whole human need to file, organize, compartmentalize, label and structure everything and everyone into a neat little boxed description as we see and understand it through our projected perception of individuality. It is yet another tool of the ego, fulfilling it's own selfish desire to not only survive, but to thrive, and all at our soul's expense.

Fourth, we completely forget the goal of those rules and we apply them blindly for the sake of it

-- This is more of the same ego, power-over vs. power-within combined with more of the fundamentalism. It's not really about the subject of "X", it's about the fact that you didn't follow "The Rules". YOU didn't stay within the lines, YOU didn't do as you were told and YOU didn't toe the line, etc. It's never ME, no, it's YOU - it's all YOU. Again, all of this is more ego, more power-over vs. power-within, more of the same things that plague humankind because it chooses to create them. It's all the same thing really.

Fifth, we punish or kill those who don't follow the rules, "OUR Rules", as strictly as we do. Even if "WE" do not follow them, that doesn't matter. The point is that "YOU" did not follow them - and now you must pay for the treacherous dog that you are.

-- Of course!! "They" didn't follow "Our" rules. Again, ego, power-over vs. power-within, more of the same I've mentioned before here. this is where radicalism, fundamentalism, and many other "-isms" come into play here.

So, we have described the problem, so now what is the solution?

Let go.

That's it.

Just let go and be in the present moment of the now. Focus your attention on yourself from the observational point-of-view. Look at yourself from outside of yourself. When (not if) you choose to do this, you will experience clarity and understanding. Right now you may be thinking "How do I step outside of myself and observe myself? Astrally project or something? I don't get it. What the heck is he talking about?" The anwser is: Something like that. It's not so much about leaving the physical body behind, so much as it is about leaving the ego behind. Having the true self, your soul, your body of light, the true YOU, step outside of your human persona, the ego, and observe from that pure soul viewpoint.

Don't just intellectually know something in your head, instead, know it in your heart. Human mundane logic does not apply to metaphysical / esoteric matters because the human mind is too limited and the ego is too self-centered on it's own selfish survival mechanisms. To have the ego die is to be born again. Do this, and your life in this realm will never be the same again.

Copyright © 2010 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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