Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This past weekend I went out to see the movie “Avatar”; and while the movie is well-written, performed, and popular at the moment; it is my hope that people will recognize this movie for what it is: a vehicle for a very old message. This message not only needs to be heard, understood, and adhered to; but the viewer should also realize that the message is implemented everywhere in life; even if it is a message that many people all too-often fail to see, acknowledge, and live by.

There have been many voices of many messengers who have all said this same message, albeit by using different wording; the message does not change even if the wording of it does. Humankind needs to not only hear this message, but abide by it as well.

The message is clear and simple. It is this:

We are One.

We are inter-connected to the whole, yet not the whole itself.

We are not separate from The Source and All That Is, but part of it.

Every thing every where, and every one, is connected. Everything we think, say and do affects all within the All That Is and The Source from which it came.

Until we not only acknowledge this and live by it, humankind will not evolve in ways that benefit not only humankind, but All That Is and The Source.

In the movie “Avatar”, there were human being scientists called “drivers” who controlled created bodies made in the likeness of the Na’vi people so that the scientists better understand and communicate with the Na’vi (the native people of the planet, Pandora). Sadly, this goal was not a humanitarian one, but instead was merely a tool of corporate greed as a way to fulfill their ultimate goal to relocate the Na’vi off of the land so the scientists (and military) could mine some precious materials, the bulk deposit of which was under a sacred tree of the Na’vi people.

The look of the Na’vi was a lot like the Native Americans of this land, and just as familiar was what was done to them in the name of a mineral. Here on Earth, we did it for gold. The parallels between this fictional story and American history was quite obvious; but what isn’t so obvious, is the fact that just as the Na’vi bodies (or “Avatars”) were used to infiltrate the native people of Pandora to communicate with them, this movie is also an “avatar” because the writer(s) of it are trying to communicate with us...the people of Earth, to infiltrate our consciousness via this movie/tool to help wake us up. Be it in the movie’s world or on this Earth; the message is the same, and it applies both places. The Na’vi knew and felt their connection to everything, everyone, and everywhere, but do we? Do you? It is not only knowledge and awareness of this simple message of Oneness and inter-connectivity that matters; but more importantly it is the conscious feeling and living of it that matters. If we know this only in our hearts and not in our hearts, then we are certainly lost to ourself.

We as a whole need to wake up and not only hear the message, but abide by it in how humankind lives life. We need to let go our the ego and the false illusion of individuality, know and feel our inter connectedness to The Source and All That Is. The human persona (which contains Ego,) is the filter through which we exist in and perceive this realm, including our incarnate existence. When we are consciously aware of these things, we can choose to lessen their influence in our life. It’s all choice.

Copyright © 2010 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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