Thursday, October 7, 2010

Transcending Labels (and other things too)

We’ve all identified people, places, things and ourselves with labels (which for the purpose of common communication) are used to define who, what, where, how, what we/they/it does, etc about whatever the subject is. We need these labels like we need any other word for the sake of common communication; but we must be careful that we do not become attached to labels (or anything else in this realm and/or incarnated existence) because as some traditions teach; attachment leads to suffering whereas detachment leads to true freedom. Attachment is one of the tools used by the egoic mind, which is constantly living in a state of past and future, but never the present moment. The egoic mind uses this tool for its own self-survival instinct which suppresses our true self from shining through. It keeps us in self-bondage, and we are both the one bound and the one doing the binding of our true self. The egoic mind is like an errant child, untamed and unfiltered, out of control; but we can control it. Observe it. Minimize it. When we become the observer, we are detached from this egoic mind and we are silent within. This quieting of the mind lets the soul feel and hear our connection to The Source and All That Is. We are always connected, we’re just not always aware of it. At times, there will be an “Ah Ha!!” moment which will break through the egoic mind, but it quickly grasps hold again and shakes us back into its submission. We have a taste of freedom, but we never realize what it is until we escape the egoic mind’s control enough to become the observer.

To become the observer and detach from the egoic mind, we must minimize the effect the egoic mind has on us. To do that, we must detach ourselves from the people, places and things within this incarnated existence / realm in which we walk. This isn’t to say that we don’t care about people, places and things, but rather that we lessen our personal vestment in them and our rigid polarization to them. We don’t let labels with emotional attachment, but only as a mere tool of communication. To see an example of this, talk about toasters with someone. I doubt they are going to rant and rave or show much personal vestment or polarization to one toaster vs another; but now talk about politics, sex, religion, sports, the economy, abortion, or any one of the other big hot button topics, and you’ll soon see these emotional attachments, personal vestments and polarizations in people. These are part of the egoic mind and have been the cause of much suffering for All. I admit, in the past, I too was like that. I too was guilty of falling prey to the tricks of the egoic mind; but now I can discuss any subject without attachment to it. Sure these things matter, limited as they may be, because they only really matter within the context of the game, this incarnated life, the great dream, the Maya illusion. Owning Board Walk matters too within the context of the game of Monopoly too; but does it REALLY matter in the larger picture of your life? No. Not really. The same is true with these other subjects of politics, sports, sex, religion, or anything else that you or others may be personally vested and polarized to. When you move beyond the veil to the other side, will it matter? Does it really matter to your true self? YOU, the real YOU, is not your body, nor is it even the human persona within it. YOU are not your egoic mind either. YOU are so much more than that.

It’s nice to have things, people, places, labels saying that “I am this” or “I do that”; but realize that these are merely all part of the illusion of this realm. In short, as the old saying goes… “Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff.” You enter this realm with nothing, speaking of material wealth, friends, etc. You will hopefully leave this realm’s incarnated life with everything that matters… love. That’s all that matters is Love and Life (not the incarnated life, but the much larger Life that you are.) If you must have an attachment to something; then let it be an attachment to Love and that larger Life which we are.

Remember…. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Copyright © 2010 Rev. Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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