Friday, November 20, 2009

The Moment

In this moment, I am; but am I fully in this moment?

If you’re like most people, your mind is divided into a sea of thoughts about your past, your present, and an array of infinite possibilities; but are you missing out on the present? While it’s good to revisit the past sometimes and relive some memories, to reacquaint ourselves with the lessons learned lest we soon forget; the past isn’t a place in which we shouldn’t dwell too long, but merely acknowledge as a path we’ve travelled. When we look back down that path, we can see our footprints, where we walked, stumbled, and where we ran; we can see our triumphs and our failures, but these things helped us to be who we are today….and Today is what it’s all about. We do not want to diminish our past, because to do so would diminish who we are; but we instead want to let the past remind us without the need to embrace it in the Present. If we constantly embrace our past, then we live in it instead of acknowledging it. In doing so, we lose out in this moment, this very moment.

Did you feel it?

There goes another one.

Another moment passed.


As these moments pass as you read these words, do you focus on the words you’ve just read individually? My guess is probably not. If you’re like most people, you’ll focus on the words you are currently reading while remembering the collective whole of words past read; so if we can focus our minds like that to words on paper, why can’t we focus our minds like that to our own lives?

WE CAN!! Yes, that’s right!! WE CAN!!

It’s simply a matter of changing our focus, living in the moment as if we are reading a book; focusing on the current moment we’re currently living, while remembering the collective experiences of our life past lived. Isn’t that wonderful? It’s so beautiful and elegantly simple in its beauty; so simple in just being that it’s glorious. To breathe in each moment with focus, is to live each moment with focus; and do live that, is a wonderful blessing. Be blessed. Bless yourself by choosing to live in the glory of the moment.

Think of your Past as your personal reference section in the library of your mind. It can be a great place to look for some source material, but if you want any sort of quality on a given subject vs. just mere reference points; you’ll need to move into another section of the library where books of more substance are; and that section is the Present. It’s here in the Now of the Present that you not only read the current book of your life, but it’s also here that you’re writing it as the soul author of your own story. As we write our daily lives, time passes and our mind forgets the details of our life lived, so the books we write become additions to the editions of our reference library. Details become lost into tidbits of reference material; memories are merely parts of the collective whole of our incarnate experience which is part of the divine dance between the human and the eternal life force which we all are.

We are always creating and writing the story of our lives on a second by second basis, reading our own book and the works of others; but when we’re In that creative moment in the process of our life, I must ask if we are we fully in that moment, or are we looking in the reference section or thinking about possible future chapters we’ve yet to write? How ambiguous and vague our future is!! Affected by our own choices, the choices of others, and all in a sea of universal energy that ebbs and flows with the consciousness and connectedness of All. How wonderful it all is and the infinite possibilities we have!!

The future is unwritten because by the time it is written, it has become our Present. To try and have a pinpoint focus and grasp on the future is akin to staring into the Sun while trying to nail Jello to a wall. Not only is it blinding, but it’s an exercise it futility as well. So what of these possible futures, these unwritten chapters of our lives? What do we concern ourselves with and why? The answer is simple. If we focus on the moment of the Now, the very thing in which we not only live and breathe but simply are; then the future will take care of itself. This is not to dismiss planning, but as the saying goes…”the best laid plans of mice and men…” The universe is a dynamic trickster who will always circumvent our static-laid plans. No matter how dynamically we incorporate variables into the equation of our planning, does it ever go exactly as planned for us in the exact way we imagined it? Not really. (..and sometimes that’s actually for the best too, if you think about it.)

So relax. Breathe deeply and know within your soul the moment in which you live and are. Know the moment and be the moment. Living fully in the Present moment is the ultimate present of all to All.

May you be blessed

Copyright © 2009 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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