Friday, November 20, 2009

An Open Letter to Humankind

As Gandhi stated in one of his many quotes, “We must become the change that we wish to see”. This profound and clear, yet simple statement is one which is which he is advocating free will, personal-choice and personal-responsibility to choose whether or not we change ourselves as individuals and change our own worldview. Sadly, it seems that so many do not see the truly basic message within these words, so the message goes not only unheard, but it’s not acted upon by many people. Some do hear it and act upon it, from what I have seen from some of the people I have met and seen in life; while many more people I have seen choose not to.

When we choose to change ourselves and our own worldview, we change ourselves and our own World; but when a group of like-minded people get together who have all done the same inner-work towards personal change; and they join together with a larger, focused intent to continue that process on a larger scale, they do so by showing others what they have done as individuals first, and then as a group of individuals working together to inspire others by not only their actions and deeds, but more importantly, how they have changed their own lives and who they are. They are who they wish to become because they create their own reality and live in the now, the present moment, in present mind, with focus on all that they are and desire to be.

By doing this on an individual basis, they send forth that energy which will hopefully inspire others to do the same. By joining together in a group, they hope to work together to continue that process on a larger scale. In the end, it still comes down to the one. It all comes down to the individual. It all comes down to YOU.

A community is a group of individuals who gather for a variety of reasons, be in political, religious, career-based, a hobby, ethnicity, or any number of one or more reasons; but in the end, it again all comes down to each individual, regardless of community or anything else but themselves, their own free-will, choices, and personal-responsibility

There is no “out there” or “them” to change. There is no one to blame but ourselves, if we choose to affix blame at all. Personally I see blame as pointless and would rather use that energy towards change and inner work than to focus it in some non-productive way; but that is all part of the learning process. We all must choose to walk our own paths.

The things above of which I wrote are not confined to anything, any group, any community, but rather to humanity as a whole. Humankind, for whatever reason, gets sidetracked by become personally-vested in and polarized to thinking and acting in many ways, all with expectations that others do the same, or expect certain results. All of this combined with linear thinking, the ego and the illusion of individuality, along with the perceived human need to apparently file, organize, categorize and label everything and everyone, all leads to separation vs. unity of the whole. Intellectually, maybe people know they are part of one whole, yet unless they feel it, unless they live it, unless they do the inner work and not only intellectually know but also feel that they are part of the All, nothing will change because they have not changed.

We have all read many articles and had many conversations regarding what needs to happen in our community due to the many issues with it; but I ascertain that the issues are again, not “out there”, but instead are within each of us, lying within each individual; and it is there that we must affect the most change first and foremost, which will then in turn affect the larger communities and humanity as a whole. Until we are ready to face our individual selves, until we are ready to change within, nothing will change until we do.

Humankind, Never before have you wrecked such havoc on yourselves or the Mother one which we all live. It is only too late to save yourselves if you choose it to be.

The time is now.

The choice is yours.

Copyright © 2009 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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