Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Revised Blog

Welcome everyone :)

I've had a blog for awhile, but never really promoted or did much with it, but that's all changing. I'm recently (as of November 2009)revised it and will use this blog as my primary place for posting my writings, whether they are articles, personal thoughts of day to day happenings, or even snippets of excerpts from one of the books I'm always working on.

In the past, I've pursued the music business as well as the IT world; and while I had passion for those things; it isn't even close to my love of writing. That's a large part of who I am and what I do. I'm a writer, so I write. My other (and even greater passion) is my wife, my immediate and extended family; and I believe that this blog will be a wonderful outlet for me to share and serve others through words, ideas, concepts and goals. Writers are an odd lot, like many creative people are. The writing is the art form, but the art is in the creation of the art form, and it's there that the joy of creation exists. Like any creative person, we wish to not only create, but to share our creations with the World at large in the hope of making the World a better place. I hope to use this blog to be a venue in with which I may do that with my writings.

I'm going to be taking some of my selected past writings and putting them online in their complete form; while others I may only take mere snippets from to entice people to wait for the full article or book. I look forward to your comments, suggestions, ideas, stories, whatever you wish to share with me to help improve the blog, and ultimately, our World.

I ask that you read the articles and if you like them and my blog, to please let others know by sharing my blog's address with people you know, visiting it often, comment on posts, link to it from your own blog, toss it out on social networking sites, and so forth. Thanks in advance.

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