Friday, November 20, 2009

The Wealthiest Person In the World

One day when I was alone, broke and feeling down, I prayed, "Lord, if I was wealthy all my problems would be gone".

The Lord replied, "You shall have wealth greater than you can imagine".

I struggled daily with life's problems, some of them harder than most people ever have. Every time I had money, it went to bills, drugs, and booze with very little, if any left over for savings or anything else. "If I could just save a little bit" I thought, "maybe it'd add up over time." but I never got rich or saved much. I wasn't greedy or looking for tons of money, I just wanted to get ahead, to have a little better life than the one I was living, that's all I ever wanted.

I simply couldn't do it alone.

Not my finances, Not my bills, Not my habits, Not my life.

One day I asked again. "Lord" I prayed; "Where is the wealth you promised me?"

The Lord replied, "You shall have wealth greater than you can imagine".

For years I fought, eventually with the help of my family, friends and faith, I got my feet back on the ground. I got a job, paid my bills, got clean of drugs and booze, and my life generally improved. One day I realized all I had in life and how things were coming together nicely. I was happy, made everyone around me smile, had my health, family, friends, etc. Still, I was confused. The Lord had promised me wealth, and yet I wasn't rich.

I prayed again, "Lord, thank you for all I have in life. What of my wealth though?"
The Lord replied, "You shall have wealth greater than you can imagine".

Life went on until one day, it happened. I died and went before the Lord. "Lord" I said; "I don't understand. I never attained the wealth you said I would"

"When you asked me about the wealth, what did I tell you?" said the Lord.

"You told me that I would have wealth greater than I can imagine". I said.

Then the Lord pointed down to Earth and said, "See your wealth".

I looked and before my eyes:
I saw every person I ever made laugh and smile.
I saw every person I ever made tell me how they were really feeling - and then made them feel better.
I saw every person I ever helped in my support group meetings.
I saw every person I ever met and their life better in some way because of me.
I saw every person I ever made their day better and they in turn did the same for someone else.
I saw every person I ever loved and who loved me.
I saw every person that touched my life in some way and helped me, even when I was helping them.
I saw every family member.
I saw every friend.

I saw how I made the World a little better place because I was in it.

I saw everyone, everywhere, every time, and everything before my eyes all at once. I then realized how truly wealthy I really was.

My "savings" was in people, in love, in family, in friends, not in material things or money. I had attained true wealth and indeed the best life of all.

I realized how I had been so wrong in my thinking on wealth. In a tone begging forgiveness in my voice, I said, "Lord...." but he put up his hand to stop my words.

Then the Lord simply smiled, pointed to Heaven's Gates as they opened and said, "You shall have rewards greater than you can imagine".

Copyright ©2002 Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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