Saturday, November 21, 2009

Vampires - Are They Real?

Are vampires real?

In short, yes. They are.

The longer explanation takes a bit more time; so please read on…

The vampires of which I write are not the romantic, Hollywood type; nor are they based on Dracula and out prowling the night in search of your blood either. Real vampires are everywhere. Most of the vampires you’ll encounter belong to the more common kind of the two types of vampires. This first type of vampire is rather unaware of their vampiric nature; yet hey are still vampires and still dangerous nonetheless. It’s just that they’re not really aware of what they are doing, how or why they are doing it. It’s other type of vampire, the ones who are consciously aware of their nature and knowingly act upon it; that are the more dangerous type of vampire to contend with. While both kinds of vampires exist, thankfully this second type is quite rare in comparison to the first.

These vampires do not steal your blood, they steal your energy. These vampires are known as “Psychic Vampires”, or Psy-Vamps” for short; and their existence is acknowledged by many people. Most of the vampire’s victims are those who are unaware and/or unprotected. Hanging garlic around your neck, carrying holy water and wooden stakes isn’t going to do the trick I’m afraid; but Grounding, Centering, Shielding and being aware of you own energy field, will. It’s here that we get into the areas of offense vs. self-defense, which methods to use, when, where and why; as well as personal morals and ethics. I leave such things to each person to judge for themselves and to inspire each person to have cause to investigate such things on their own. My task and point of this article is simply to bring the vampire’s existence out of the darkness and into the light of your awareness.

It’s important to Ground, Center and Shield as often as you can, especially whenever you are around crowds of people, in public, or anywhere that may contaminate your energy field or attract others who wish to take from or harm it (and you) in some way either knowingly or unknowingly. It’s always important as well to be aware of your surroundings, on all levels, at all times. Like a Boy Scout, the motto stands here as well: “Be Prepared”.

Copyright © 2008 Rev. Ron Schreiner All Rights Reserved

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